Building & Facilities


Visitors to the Island are most welcome to use the Library.
All the literature you would expect, albeit on a small scale.
The Channel Islands section is particularly popular with Visitors wishing to discover more of the history of Alderney as well as the other Channel Islands, there is also a delightful Children’s section.
We have a special section of audio books on tape and CD, with the added fortune of being linked with the Guernsey Library to loan new volumes.
Residents and Visitors can join the Library for a non-refundable charge of £10.

You may be interested in a few facts & figures about the Library….

The Library currently has….

  • Over 18,000 Books comprising Thrillers, Fiction, Non-Fiction, an Alderney and Channel Islands Section, plus Reference material.
  • 33 x Videos for Children
  • 460 x Audio Books
  • 40 + Read & Listen Tapes for Children
  • 30 x Large Print Books
  • Photocopying Facilities
  • Broadband throughout the building

The Building

Alderney Library provides easy access to all from push chairs to wheel chairs.

The Library also has improved facilities for the visually handicapped, for children, and for anyone wanting a reference area for quiet study.

The Children’s Room has proved a great success in encouraging children to use the Library.