Category: Events

Computer Clinic

computerclinicposter Computer and Smart Phone Problems? Do you know your Apples from your Androids​ .your MP3s from your PDF’s? If not and you need some help with your tablet, laptop or smartphone then our PC expert is on hand with free advice to guide you through the maze of computer wizardry. Student Kamil Olbrycht from St Annes School as part of his Duke Of Edinburgh Award Scheme will be holding a Computer … Continue reading

Library Quiz Night

“The Library held a highly successful Quiz Night on Friday evening. The Catholic Hall was packed to capacity with the  Island’s top brains and a nail-biting contest ended in the winning table (comprising James and Maeve Dent, Ian and Suzy Carter,Karen Hill and Penny Ash) claim victory by the narrowest of margin of one point! Everybody agreed that it was a most enjoyable evening and the Committee would like to … Continue reading

Library Quiz Night

We are holding our annual Quiz Night on Friday 13th November in the Catholic Hall starting at 6.30 p.m. Tickets cost £10 include a light buffet and are available from the Visitor Centre. All proceeds go towards library funds

Revitalisation Questionnaire

The Library is anxious to obtain views and ideas as to how we should make changes in its operation in order to counteract the dwindling interest. We therefore urge you to complete the survey: and add any other comments you may have Your views and comments are vital for the long term future of the Library With many thanks


The Library will be closed on Cavalcade Day Monday 3rd August and Saturday evening 8th August. There will be a Booksale on the Butes on Cavalcade Day and we look forward to seeing you there.

Library Quiz Night

The Library Quiz Night is being held on Friday 15th November starting at 6.30 pm in the Catholic Hall. Tickets available from the Visitor Centre Victoria Street including a light buffet. All proceeds to the Library funds. This year we are introducing a number of innovations including a Jack card and some half time “entertainment”. Tables of 6 maximum but smaller teams are welcome.


The Library is commencing the Summer Booksale on Cavalcade Day at the Butes and continuing throughout the Summer in the Library. There will also be a sale of other merchandise including bookmarks, birthday books, and our latest offering, framed photographs of Alderney

Privacy Policy

As a membership organisation, the Alderney Library gathers a limited amount of personal data from members. This data is supplied at the time of joining the Library and is retained by the Library – and may be updated – while the individual/household remains a member of the Library. Such date relates purely to membership of the Library and includes contact name, address, telephone number(s) and email address. The Library uses … Continue reading

New Acquisitions – Autumn/Winter 2017-8

Michael Connelly – The Crossing  The latest in the Harry Bosch series, a brilliant and complex story set against the parched paradise of Los Angeles. Bernard Cornwell – Fools and Mortals takes us into the heart of the Elizabethan, the world of young Richard Shakespeare,an actor estranged from his older brother,William.  Helen Dunmore – Birdcage Walk It is 1792 and Europe is seized by political and social upheaval.  Lizzie Fawkes has grown up in radical circles but … Continue reading